Digital Alchemy

As a digital learning alchemist, each project conjures a journey of endless possibilities, guided by curiosity and innovation.

Crafting user-centered creations that transcend the commonplace, where each element contributes meaningfully to the fabric of the user-centric solutions. With every click, users are transported to a realm where ordinary boundaries are shattered, leaving behind a trail of profound impact.

I work with the essence of creativity, crafting experiences that resonate deeply in the hearts of users. Digital learning creations are not just pixels on a screen; they are catalysts of joy and knowledge, destined to leave a lasting mark in the ever-evolving world of digital learning.

  • Figma

  • Articulate Storyline

  • Adobe Creative Suit

  • Camtasia

  • Hootsuit

Tool box

  • Google Workspace

  • Various LMSs

  • Microsoft Teams

  • Multimedia development

  • Qualtrics